UK, Brazil, China, Ireland, UAE
Achieve more by extending Teams, SharePoint and Microsoft 365 with the Cloud Box education solutions. We automate class Teams from SIS/MIS databases through Microsoft School Data Sync, create central resource areas, SharePoint intranets and provide tools to save teacher time.
Ipso facto honorarium est.
Nous travaillons avec le numérique et pour le numérique. Nos activités de conseil, d’animation et d’accompagnement – formations,mentorat et coaching – sont tournées vers l’acquisition et le développement des compétences du XXIème siècle. Alors que le monde du travail et la formation sont en pleine transformation,difficile de savoir quels seront les métiers des prochaines décennies. Dans un monde qui bouge, les softskills – que l’on peut résumer en « les 4C » – sont devenues au moins aussi importantes que les compétences techniques.
A young dynamic company with a hearth for education in combination with Microsoft tools. Edu-Tech is one of the main Microsoft license resellers in Belgium with a focus on training for IT-staff and teachers to get the best implementation of the solution.
Insight2execution is an award-winning strategic marketing and education consultancy that helps bring technology to K-12 and HigherEd classrooms to transform teaching and learning. i2e works with technology companies and school districts worldwide to ready teachers for delivering 21st century learning experiences, and to help teachers and administrators grow in their leadership.
TA (Tablet Academy) is an independent organisation created to support educational institutions in transforming teaching and learning through the integration of new and existing technologies. Through high-level consultancy, training services, and student workshops, our team of fully qualified educators support over 1500 schools and train over 40,000 teachers a year.
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