
Beedle EduSpace Free Trial – Full school year licence 20/21 for free

Beedle currently adds Planning, Classlist, Diary and Assessments features to Microsoft Teams, bringing intuitive and efficient workflows to everyday teaching and learning tasks. New releases will introduce curriculum statements and additional attendance functionality to Microsoft teams. This Free Trial of a full-school-year (20/21) license, represents savings of around $100 per teacher.

Offer Period:

October 20, 2020 thru July 31, 2021 

Sign up Period:

October 20, 2020 thru January 30, 2021 

Bring in your collegues too!

By registering for this offer yourself, any colleagues at your school may also enjoy all the free benefits of this license via Apps within Microsoft Teams.

Additional modules 

Beedle Assessment: Assess classes against your own mark schemes, in number and text format. You can apply calculations to cells and columns. You can now add assessment against learning objectives, tags and associated filters, and downloading to Excel.
Objective Builder: Define your success criteria, learning goals and curriculum statements and in future you’ll be able to link any of these objectives to your plans and assess your classes against them.
Attendance: Coming soon to Beedle are attendance registers for your classes. Define your own attendance types at a school level, add comments against attendance marks, and track and analyse student attendance.